Say everything you’ve always wanted

Be not afraid of who you really are. Cause in the end we have each other, and that’s at least one thing worth living for.

December 31st means watching Rent and listening to This is the New Year at least fifteen times. Check and check.

I’m sure I’ve said this before, and I’m positive that I will say this many more times to come, but I’m going to say it now anyway:

2014 was a tremendous year and undoubtedly the year I’ve experienced the most growth – as a student, as a young professional, and as a person.

(I sure hope I give myself reasons to say this more in the future.)

This was the year I danced tinikling for CSULB PAC’s 29th annual Pilipino Cultural Night, the year I had the amazing opportunities of writing for the USA Today College and interning for Intern Queen, Inc., the year I started my junior year of college, and the year I was welcomed into an amazing family called Zeta Mu Beta. All in all, I learned so much more about who I am as a person and what I’m looking for in life.

I also turned 20 this year. When did that happen?

There’s so much to reflect on and discuss, so I’m not going to try to remember everything right now. I’m a bit saddened I haven’t updated since September, but I’ll make sure to make up for it in the year to come.

Thanks 2014 for being so good to me. I’m confident 2015 will be even greater.

Happy New Year, everyone!