This could be the start of something new.

No, I promise I won’t start belting out the tune of a cheesy Disney Channel movie. (Although I will admit I am a huge fan of High School Musical and both of its sequels. I still know all the lyrics to perhaps 90% of their songs.)

What I am referring to, dear readers of the Internet, is blogging.

You see, I’ve been an active blogger for almost half of my life. It all started with a Xanga account created in 2006. Since then, I’ve had various blogs on Xanga, Tumblr, Blogspot, and WordPress, but unfortunately, I haven’t been blogging as often in recent years. And I miss it so – my daily and personal recollections of life. (Which I’ve been doing since I was 7, via journaling.)

I’ve been meaning to get back into blogging for the longest time, but I kept telling myself that I’m not ready to go back, whatever the heck that means. Perhaps it’s because I have always made it a goal to blog at least once per day and I know now, after a few failed attempts, that this is not exactly practical. I don’t want to go back and miss a day or two, or three, and then completely stop. I’m so tired of doing that.

But why should I let that stop myself from writing on a public blog again? Am I really so dramatic that I’ve given up public blogging cold turkey?

Maybe. But hey, I’m 20 now, so maybe I’m a little more mature and ready to return. So this first post on my WordPress (how exciting!) is to let the world know that I, Justine, am going to get back into blogging again. I’ll also resume blogging on my Blogspot.

My next post will come after I return from vacation next week!